A Pagan Primary & Secondary School

All of our programs encourage social emotional learning, working together, and caring for the Earth and each other. All program participants, regardless of which program option, are welcome to participate in our planned Friday story circle, where we'll be inviting folks from various traditions to speak to the group and tell or read a story from mythology, folk lore, or other sources that are Pagan in nature.

We are a virtual program, but we encourage families to network with each other and create learning pods in their area as appropriate. Long term, we would like to create in-person options where it is feasible.

While we are a Pagan school, we do not teach religion in our mainstream courses - that's saved for optional electives. We are open to all families who are participating in good faith, regardless of their religious beliefs.

We do not currently have financial assistance available. We do have a fundraising program that families can participate in to help offset tuition costs, and we anticipate future fundraisers for scholarship funds and other school projects.

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About Us

An outreach program of Spiral Moon Family Circle

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