
All of our programs encourage social emotional learning, working together, and caring for the Earth and each other. All program participants are welcome to participate in our planned Friday story circle, where we'll be inviting folks from various traditions to speak to the group and tell or read a story from mythology, folk lore, or other sources that are Pagan in nature.

We offer the following options:

Framework curriculum (with optional consults) - Homeschooling with a side of assistance. We provide an outline and our preferred curriculum options. You fill in the rest. We can help make modifications that your learners need, help find other alternative curricula, or help make plans for children with disabilities.

Cover School - it's not as common as it used to be, but some states allow homeschooling if you're enrolled in a private school. You send us your portfolio and attendance records each semester and we fill out forms for your state.

Virtual Co-op - Virtual schooling really took off with the pandemic, but the very first Pagan-oriented K-12 school in the US was completely virtual back in the early 2000s. They didn't have zoom. It's a different world now. Choose one class or many, you pay for the classes you enroll in. Families are expected to volunteer, even for teaching courses.

Full Curriculum Virtual School - An all inclusive virtual curriculum, managed by our staff. We handle the details, you support your learner at home. Core classes for 2023-2024 will be fully prepared online courses, and electives will be a mix of our co-op classes, online options, and teacher led options. Volunteer hours required.

After School Clubs - More informal than school work based. Clubs and activities will be created based on student interest.

About Us

An outreach program of Spiral Moon Family Circle

Get In Touch

[email protected]


Want to Teach?

Contact us for more info. We pay teachers!